Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code NR32 1RU

When the Heathcote's visited here in 2009 they recorded three Vale of Belvoir Angel gravestones. I only came across two. The one that I failed to see, they have listed as lying flat and partially buried. I revisited to double check that I had not simply overlooked it the first time and there was no sign of it.

The first of the two is to one William Draper. 'Remember Thy End' is carved across the top of the grave.
The stone reads 'Here lies the body of William Draper who departed this life February the 14th 1722 in the 65th year of his age'
The inscription at the foot of the gravestone says 'Spectators all you who ere you be see yt (that) you live your life and die as he. Lo here he is laid in ye dust waiting he rising with the just. As heel be judged so must we all when the Lord Almighty pleased to call'
The second stone has the hourglass top left as we look at it; the corresponding crossed bones missing with the top right being damaged.
'Here lyeth the body of Robert Steel who departed this life June ye 7th 1721 aged 47 years'
The inscription below reads 'Grieve not for me my glass is run It is the Lord his will be done'
It is interesting to see the expressions on the individual angel's faces. This one is smiling. The thought of the day was that the angel would help to escort the soul of the deceased to Heaven. Perhaps, therefore, it had plenty to smile about!
The stone that I failed to see was recorded as follows...
'Here lies the body of Samuel ye son of Samuel Neal by Hellin his wife in hopes of a better November 30th 1713 aged 19 years'