Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code NG11 6QW

There were two Vale of Belvoir Angel stones recorded here by the Heathcote's. Against each there is a note saying that the stone had been laid flat. That visit was in the mid 1970's and now the vast majority of the stones here are laid flat and are gradually being swallowed up by the grounds. I found one okay but double checked the grounds and couldn't find the other, which may have been covered enough by the grass to make it unrecognizable.

Gradually being swallowed by the encroaching grass this Belvoir Angel stone lies flat, the angel looking out before it gets covered!
This one reads 'Here lies interr'd the body of Henty Hebb who departed this life in the 59th year of his age August 27th 1718'
'Tho death has parted you and I and our bodys to dust must turn I hope yt (that) we shall meet again you have no cause to mourn dear friends do not lament for me but cheer up now your hearts and strive yt you may come to me where we no more shall part Memento Mori'
One day, this Belvoir Angel stone and all of the others in this substantial and beautiful church grounds will end up like this! They deserve better!