Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code NG13 8PE

A beautiful church, visited on a gloriously warm and sunny afternoon. By the time that we got to the church here the sun was in the west and it made photographing the two angels here very difficult as the sun was behind the stones. Apologies therefore for the photographs on this page.

'Come Ye Blessed' now very weathered is carved across the top of this stone to Elizabeth Upton. It reads...
'Here lies the body of Elizabeth the wife of John Upton she died the 5th day of May 1712 aged 57 year'
The inscription at the foot of the stone reads
'Remember as you pass by as you are now so once was I'
This theme was a common one in medieval times; the frailty of human life and the mortality of Man. In a poem called 'Three Living And Three Dead' Three kings were hunting, and they meet three skeletons. They give the kings a warning, the same warning that appears on this stone,
'As you are now, so once were we. as we are now, so shall you be.’
The stone to Thomas Blagg, features the hour glass and crossed bones symbols; telling the onlooker in symbol form exactly the same message that was passed over in script on Elizabeth's gravestone.
This one reads 'Here lies the body of Thomas Blagg who departed this life December the 6th 1707 aged 52 year'
'Grieve not for me my glass is run it is the Lord his will be done'.