Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code NG31 6RR

There are three Vale of Belvoir Angel gravestones in the church ground of St Wulfram, Grantham; all of which are to members of the Quinnbrough family.
These are all close together to the south of the church.
The first reads 'Here lies the body of Grace, the wife of Robert Quinnbrough who departed this life December 6 1710 in the 51 year of her age'. The stonemason carving this had a few issues with the spacing of the letters, the last three letters of 'departed' being added in smaller lettering above the completed line. Below the details of the deceased, there is carved 'Live in Love and Fear the Lord'. Again the mason ran out of space and 'the Lord' is added below in very small letters!
The angled edges of two of the stones here are very unusual in gravestones of this type.
Close by is a gravestone to Robert Quinnbrough. This one is inscribed....
'Here lies the body of Robert Quinnbrough who departed this life December 20th 1708 in the 72 year of his age'.
The inscription carved in to this one at the foot of the stone reads 'Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord for they shall rest from their labours'. This is a slight paraphrase from Revelation Chapter 14 verse 13.
Again, this stone is carved with sloping edges, with the edges leading to the angel central at the top.

The third gravestone has a stark message for the onlooker, 'Remember thy end' it says along with the hour glass and crossed bones symbols. All reminders that Man is mortal and will die, an important message in days of low life expectancy. In those days when belief in God was an important part of most lives the message is clear; live a good life, fear God and do not get caught short when your time comes
This stone reads 'Here lies the body of Thomas ye son of Robert and Grace Quinnbrough who departed this life May 31st 1714 aged 25 years'.
This message was very applicable here, with Thomas passing away at a very young age.