Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code NG12 5DG

There was one Cale Of Belvoir Angel stone at this church, with the stone in question to be found leaning against the south exterior wall of the nave.
This is another of the 'variant' types; which are of a different style to the majority listed on here; and which were in all probability carved by a different firm of masons.
This is a very dignified angel! who appears to be asleep, The stone here reads 'Here lyeth ye bodyes of Robert Coppley and Ann his wife He departed this life March ye 6th Anno Dom 1693 in ye 37th year of his age She departed this life August ye 29th Anno Dom 1702 in ye 55th year of her age'
There is some damage to the top of the stone. There was some sort of symbolism to the top left as we look at it but it is badly damaged and I can't figure out what it would have been. Any corresponding symbolism to top right is lost!