Come Ye Blessed...

Well, this one was hard to find! We managed to find a post code for the old burial ground of St Wilfrid, which led us to the entrance to a track. I set off along the track and there was nothing! As if by magic a jogger appeared and he directed me across a field, with the headstones that survived being on the other side of a hedge. There are a cluster of stones left here, some very hard to read due to one leaning against another, others flat on the ground and partially buried and others still standing and in really good conditions.
It is lovely that this place exists still, and good to see that some of the stones here are protected with a Grade II listing. The church here had fallen in to disrepair by the mid 18th century, and in 1790 it was noted that no services except the occasional funeral had taken place there for the previous 20 years or so. A new church was built in 1793.
The Heathcote study recorded 13 Belvoir Angel stones here. Some are recorded as being broken or hard to read. One was listed as being present in 1975 but had been removed on a 2009 revisit.