Come Ye Blessed...
Church of St Helen
Church Post Code NG13 0JA

The Heathcote study indicates two Vale of Belvoir Angels gravestones in the church grounds here. One is a very fine example; the other being a batter and bruised affair, leaning against the wall of the church.
The finer example is to one Anne Guy, with the top half carved in relief; the background around the letters being carved away to leave the letter itself raised. A real skill!
The stone reads 'Here lies the body of Anne yes wife of Andrew Guy who departed this life Dec ye 8th 1729 her age 53 years'
There is a fair amount of inscription on this grave, which continues 'Pale death will hardly find another so good a wife so kind a mother In all her actions she was kind These will not soon slip out of mind'.
Pale death here could relate to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse from Revelation; Death riding a pale horse.
Below that is inscribed 'She loved peace and quietness who here interr'd lies her reward is eternal bliss above the starry skies'. Across the top is inscribed in relief 'Blessed Are The Dead Who Die In The Lord'
Whatever the undoubted skills of the mason here, they show a continued struggle with the spacing of words. On the top line they ran out of space, abbreviating the word Lord. A little further down the last two letters in Andrew are included in small letters above the line. However much this gravestone is a very fine piece of work; these are quite important errors.

The second of the two has not fared well compared to the former. It stands against the wall of the church, a faded Belvoir Angel looking out, wings badly damaged. It is still here though and still readable, after a fashion!
'Here lies the body of George Marsh Departed this life August the 24th 1720 aged 34 years.
'The inscription below reads 'You readers both old and young your time of earth will not be long For death will come and die you and like to me return to dust'.
This is an inscription that was used often; a verse often used for someone who had passed away at an early age.