Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code LE12 8DP

There was four Vale of Belvoir Angel stones recorded by the Heathcote's when they visited here in 2009. All four were marked down as being the 'variant' style; the angel still present but the style of the stone being different to the vast majority that were recorded.
I spent a long time in the grounds here and doubled checked where I had previously been but I only turned up two of the four.

The first of the two is to Mary Marriott. This is unusual in style as it has tapered sides, which frame the angel's wings. There are a few about of this style, all dating from the early 1700's
This stone reads 'Here lieth the body of Mary ye wife of Edward Marriott of Mountsorrel who departed this life ye 31st Janua 1702.
The second stone is fairly well hidden behind what is a very nicely planted border. I am a gardener by trade and admired the work of whoever set this up, whilst having a quiet moan as I would liked to have taken a decent shot of this stone.
The style of this one reminded me very much of one seen as Seagrave a little earlier. There is a little text inscribed at the top of this stone, which is very weathered but I think reads 'Here lies'
It continues... 'the body of Mary the daughter of Thomas Booly and Eliz his wife who departed ys life March ye 24th 1702 aged 2 years'

The two which were recorded by the Heathcote's were as follows...
(1) 'Here lieth the body of Mary the wife of John Doughty of Mountsorrel who departed this life June the 9th day Anno Dom 1747 aged 73 years Here lieth the body of John Doughty who departed this life the 16th day of June in the year of our Lord 1764 aged 78 years'
(2) Here lieth the body of Thomas Boley late Husband of Eliz Boley of Mountsorrel who departed this life ye 9th day of March 1711 in the 47th year of his age'.