Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code NG33 4DA

The Heathcote study stated one Vale of Belvoir Angel gravestone in the church grounds here. There actually is two though, with the second coming to light through some tracing their family history and uploading a photograph of the gravestone on to the Belvoir Angels Facebook page.
The one recorded by the Heathcote's reads as follows...
'Here lyeth the body of John Pickwell who died Nov 20th 1730 his age 62 years'
There is a fair amount of damage to this stone. It is a double angel gravestone but the angel on the left as we look at it is gone with the exception of a small part of one wing. The angel on the right is damaged but substantially there.
In typical style, there are some spacing issues with the word 'died' being added in small font underneath where it should have gone!
Inscription at the foot of the stone reads '
A husband kind a father dear the same is he who lyeth here God gave him time for to repent and for his sins he did lament'
The second Vale of Belvoir Angel gravestone came to light a couple of weeks after I had visited this church.I missed this one so no photograph. The stone is quite badly damaged, lying flat, close to the porch.
The stone itself is quite badly damaged; another double angel stone which reads 'Here lies interr'd the body of Mary the wife of Benjamin Goulson died January 21st 1729 aged 54 years' (some text missing)
The inscription below is also incomplete and it is not one that I have come upon before. There is too much missing of the first two lines to guess at but the final two lines read 'I refused not any lamented by many'