Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code LE12 7LT

There were two Vale Of Belvoir Angel stones recorded here in the Heathcote study, one of which is now leaning against the exterior north wall of the church. Both stones were recorded as being of the 'variant' design, in other words being of a different style than we would expect to see in gravestones of this type.

The stone that is still standing is to married couple William and Anne Johnson. This is a double angel stone with the angels here being beautifully carved. They have prominent chins, large eyes and are each frowning. The details on the wings is intricate! This may be a variant design to the majority of gravestones depicted on this site; but the quality of the carving is of a similar standard.
This stone reads 'Here lieth the body of Willm Johnson who departed this life May ye 1st Anno Dom 1695 The body of Anne the wife of the abovesaid William Johnson who departed this life November ye 17th Anno Dom 1724 aged about 63'.

The second stone was described in the Heathcote study as a broken headstone lying flat in the ground. It is now leaning against the exterior north wall of the nave. There is damage to thetop and the bottom of this stone with the top of the angel's face damaged and some lettering missing.
This one reads 'Here lyeth ye body of Mary ye daughter of Thos Sharp by Ann his wife she departed this life ye (...?) her age se (...?)