Come Ye Blessed...
Church Post Code NG13 8GS

There are two Vale of Belvoir Angels in the church grounds here; to a married couple who died within a short space of time of each other.
The gravestone have stood side by side for nearly 300 years; the first reads 'Here lies the body of William Spybe who departed this life January ye 1st aged 35 years Anno Dom 1723
As usual, the angel is beautifully carved, with some very fine detail on the wings. The angel itself looks quite solemn and, unusually, is not wearing a ruff!
The date of 1723 is included at the bottom in large numbers. The grave has sunk a little over the years but there is no indication of there having been any inscription at the foot of the stone.
A fabulous piece of work!
The second reads 'Here lies the body of Mary ye wife of William Spybe she departed this life April ye 26th in the 39th yeare of her age Anno Dom 1723'
As with the gravestone for her husband the angel here is also without a ruff. 'Come Lord Jesus' is carved across the top of the gravestone.
There are a couple of lines of script at the foot of the grave, one of which is now lost to view as the grave has sunk a little over the years. The first line appears to read 'our wounds are cured from this worldly pain'.
Another sad tale here with husband and wife in their 30's each dying within four months of each other. As id often the case though, belief and trust in God is still proclaimed on there stones, despite the harsh times that they lived through!